Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 4/20 America

As we gather to celebrate this
holiday of weed smoking.

I'd like to reflect on things,
some good, some bad,
all important to my life.

I'd like to,
but the girl in my bed
just hassled me for
still sitting at the computer.

I'll be brief.

I live in Los Angeles,
I've been here since December 4th.

And I can say,
without hesitation,
that I'm doing well.

Things have started to catch on,
at least a little bit.

I'm playing a lot of shows this week,
and next, and my gig schedule
is generally filling up.

I've got the song titles
laid out for a new album,
and verses and choruses written,
still piecing together, but started.

But most and best of all,
beyond any of my dreams, hopes,
goals, and ambitions.

I have one accomplishment
that really makes me think I'm
starting to hit the big time.

someone I do not know...
turned one of my songs
into a Guitar Hero track.

Please see the post below
where I flipped out.

and I love you all.

I really do.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

holy shit

holy shit holy shit holy shit.



check this out:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



I'm sorry I haven't been more talkative,
keeping you up to date with the thrilling
news of my last couple weeks.

Which, to be honest, has not been thrilling,
but there have been some nice moments.

I had sex this morning,
that was cool.

My dear friend Mark and
his lovely wife Emily have started
a blog about eating good food, and drinking
fine drinks, on the cheap.

Or at least the reasonable.

They asked me to share it with you,
and I am happy to do so:


and stay tuned,
I'm seeing a doctor on Friday
to see about getting a ritalin
prescription, and if you've ever seen
me on ritalin, well... I don't usually ever shut up.

You see, I've got some problems with..
how you say... doing anything?

I start every day with a hundred plans,
I touch on each one,
finish none,
and there's the sun setting.


So, in my general process
of trying to get better,
I'm turning to an old reliable friend.


But here in California they call it


All I'm saying is,
stay tuned,
I've got a lot of stories to tell you.

And if you are in Chicago right now,
I can't wait to see you again.


Friday, April 03, 2009


I just read a book called,
"Happy Birthday Jesus"

It was terrible.

I just saw a music video
by a band called "Hey Monday"

It was even worse.

Oh dear sweet jesus,
that was a terrible band.

I'd never heard of them before,
but they splashed on the front
of my Myspace login page,
and something made me click.

It is pure manufactured poop music.

Of course, they are on a huge
tour of England, Japan, and Europe
with Fall Out Boy, so, it's very popular poop music.

The best and worst part was,
before the video started,
there was a little 8 second
anti-drug commercial
against smoking weed.

This combined with the fact
that I had just been browsing
the Best 500 Rock Songs of All Time book,
made me really sad for the state of rock and roll.
