Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ode to Sarah Palin, the song

To all of you lovers and
haters out there, I recorded
my Sarah Palin song,
and I made a little youtube
video, and you can watch it
and hear it here:

Now if you'll excuse me,
I'm packing my entire
life into a Subaru and leaving
the country for a while and then
coming back and traveling with
no home and not enough set up
tour dates and then I might live
in California for a while, and I found
a nice temporary home for my cat
with my wonderful booking agent
Mr. Bryan Adamick, and I'm sick
as a dog, and tired, but excited because
I have a pretty awesome new drummer
and a generally positive outlook on life,
and I'm off to chase weird dreams that
are more like waking fantasies that
aren't that hard to realize.

Like.... dreaming of a slurpy,
and then just walking to 7-11
to buy one. It doesn't seem that hard,
but then, I'm not really aiming that high,
but then, maybe I am and just walking
too slowly towards it,
but then, maybe it's my own
happiness and satisfaction with
the way things are already that
keeps me from being some sort
of mad, driven, depressed artist
that channels his sadness into
unbridled creativity.

I don't have that,
I've been feeling pretty good lately.

I think I'm kind of disappearing into
the night, without really telling people,
I've talked about it for years, it's time
for me to just go.

I'm gonna miss that cat,
I'll get you a picture soon.

He's taken to sitting in
my bathroom sink,
it's adorable.

God bless the USA,
God save the Queen,
God... I could go for a slurpy.

Wish me luck...
I'm leaving town
for a while.

much love,


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I cut off his balls today

I got my cat neutered this morning.

He's sitting in my lap now,
purring and cuddling as if
nothing is wrong.

It's hard to imagine,
cuddling up to the guy
who paid for your castration.

But he is a sweetheart.

I had a big week,
shows across the midwest,
I had a lot of fun,
and a lot of driving,
and I've got some new jokes,
and a new song,
which I won't talk about,
because people keep
getting all personal on me.

I also signed a one year
contract with a college booking agent.

His name is Devon,
he's very cool,
and he books at
campuses across the country.

I might be coming to a theater near you.

I'll be adding his contact info
to my contact page,
if you happen to be
on a campus activities board.

That should prove cool,
if it works out.

He's submitting me for these
big showcase thingies,
if I get one, I get up in front
of thousands of students for fifteen
minutes, and sell myself.

and hopefully, get a lot of gigs.

It's very exciting,
slowly, but steadily,
I've gathered a little
professional team.

A UK agent,
and US clubs agent,
and now, a college agent.

Plus all the people I owe
money too, they're a crucial
part of the team, too.

oh, and my cat,
he keeps my lap warm.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin Song

you knew I would, right?

It's halfway done,
a song about the
lovely ice queen
of ball squeezing.

I wrote it on the drive to Madison,
now I'll try to write the second half
on the way to Appleton,
and then I'll escape to play it
in England where I won't get
booed off by halfwits.


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pain + L = Palin - P,A,L = Pin + head = Palin

I did it again.

I let days,
what... weeks?
go by without writing
anything to you.

It's been a busy
couple of days,
what... weeks?

I went to California.
I went to Utah,
I started practicing
with a new drummer,
I made a rap beat out
of the "Greatest American Hero" theme song,
and I started booking a tour
from Buffalo to Seattle, via Texas.

I also have been racking
my brain trying to come up
with some sort of song I can
write about Sarah Palin.

I hate her,
I actually have feelings
of rage and lustful malice.

Lustful malice?

well, yeah...
she's kind of hot,
in a...
punch her in the face
after you cum on it kind of way.

that was completely uncalled for.

No, it wasn't,
it was hilarious,
I went back and read it.

I have a dear friend,
a close and wonderful friend
in California, with whom
I spent a lot of my time there.

He almost drowned,
and got saved by a female

then we almost got him
a pot prescription,
you can do that in California.

All you need is a state ID,
and... I qoute:
"headaches, or restlessness, or... whatever"

you just go in to the weed store,
have a 75 minute consultation
with the "doctor", tell him about...
"whatever".... and then he writes
you a prescription, for marijuana.

Then, with that prescription card,
you can smoke it anywhere,
on the street, in your house,
just not while driving.


even better,
as we were jogging back
to his car to get his state ID,
we crossed a street, with no traffic,
but with a Do Not Cross sign,
that big, red, hand.

We crossed anyway,
and we got pulled over.

no shit.

we got pulled over by a cop,
for crossing the street,
on our way to buy legal weed.

We could have gotten a ticket for crossing the street,
and we could have been standing there
smoking a giant bong, which they also sell
at the "doctor's office", and that would have been fine.

I love California.

So then,
I played another gig at the
Catholic University.

I loved it,
they seemed to,
they payed me a lot of money,
I was happy, and I went on my way.

The way turned out to be
a cool little improv theater,
and when I stepped outside
to smoke pot with another friend,
who has a prescription......

He asked me if I wanted to see the Google office.

I said....

high as a kite,
I went into the office
that designed the email
program that I am writing
this email on.

Kind of like eating Ice Cream
while riding a cow.

Google was awesome,
that's all I can say.

probably the coolest
place to work I have ever seen.

Have you ever seen
a break room in an office
with a full Rock Band setup,
an atari with 100 games,
and free gatorade?

I have.

that brings me around
to the point of this story,
sort of.

Me and my dear friend,
after a long night of drinking
and smoking pot, decided
to start talking politics.

Always a good idea.

He started saying
that Sarah Palin was
a better candidate than Obama,
and then he said something about
her being better than Bill Clinton,
and I lost it.

I ran out of the apartment we were crashing at,
into the hallway,
high as hell,
and suddenly,
totally lost.

I didn't remember what apartment we were in.

They all looked exactly the same.

I stayed out in that hallway for twenty minutes,
fuming, pacing, and lost.

It made me scared,
I love this friend of mine,
he is not stupid, not at all.

But he loves this Palin bitch.

I know,
you probably don't want to hear anymore
about her,
I just had to get this off my chest:

Sarah Palin is threatening to be
the next Dick Cheney,
except this time, instead of having
an asshole for our vice president,
it would be a huge, stretched out vagina.
