Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pain + L = Palin - P,A,L = Pin + head = Palin

I did it again.

I let days,
what... weeks?
go by without writing
anything to you.

It's been a busy
couple of days,
what... weeks?

I went to California.
I went to Utah,
I started practicing
with a new drummer,
I made a rap beat out
of the "Greatest American Hero" theme song,
and I started booking a tour
from Buffalo to Seattle, via Texas.

I also have been racking
my brain trying to come up
with some sort of song I can
write about Sarah Palin.

I hate her,
I actually have feelings
of rage and lustful malice.

Lustful malice?

well, yeah...
she's kind of hot,
in a...
punch her in the face
after you cum on it kind of way.

that was completely uncalled for.

No, it wasn't,
it was hilarious,
I went back and read it.

I have a dear friend,
a close and wonderful friend
in California, with whom
I spent a lot of my time there.

He almost drowned,
and got saved by a female

then we almost got him
a pot prescription,
you can do that in California.

All you need is a state ID,
and... I qoute:
"headaches, or restlessness, or... whatever"

you just go in to the weed store,
have a 75 minute consultation
with the "doctor", tell him about...
"whatever".... and then he writes
you a prescription, for marijuana.

Then, with that prescription card,
you can smoke it anywhere,
on the street, in your house,
just not while driving.


even better,
as we were jogging back
to his car to get his state ID,
we crossed a street, with no traffic,
but with a Do Not Cross sign,
that big, red, hand.

We crossed anyway,
and we got pulled over.

no shit.

we got pulled over by a cop,
for crossing the street,
on our way to buy legal weed.

We could have gotten a ticket for crossing the street,
and we could have been standing there
smoking a giant bong, which they also sell
at the "doctor's office", and that would have been fine.

I love California.

So then,
I played another gig at the
Catholic University.

I loved it,
they seemed to,
they payed me a lot of money,
I was happy, and I went on my way.

The way turned out to be
a cool little improv theater,
and when I stepped outside
to smoke pot with another friend,
who has a prescription......

He asked me if I wanted to see the Google office.

I said....

high as a kite,
I went into the office
that designed the email
program that I am writing
this email on.

Kind of like eating Ice Cream
while riding a cow.

Google was awesome,
that's all I can say.

probably the coolest
place to work I have ever seen.

Have you ever seen
a break room in an office
with a full Rock Band setup,
an atari with 100 games,
and free gatorade?

I have.

that brings me around
to the point of this story,
sort of.

Me and my dear friend,
after a long night of drinking
and smoking pot, decided
to start talking politics.

Always a good idea.

He started saying
that Sarah Palin was
a better candidate than Obama,
and then he said something about
her being better than Bill Clinton,
and I lost it.

I ran out of the apartment we were crashing at,
into the hallway,
high as hell,
and suddenly,
totally lost.

I didn't remember what apartment we were in.

They all looked exactly the same.

I stayed out in that hallway for twenty minutes,
fuming, pacing, and lost.

It made me scared,
I love this friend of mine,
he is not stupid, not at all.

But he loves this Palin bitch.

I know,
you probably don't want to hear anymore
about her,
I just had to get this off my chest:

Sarah Palin is threatening to be
the next Dick Cheney,
except this time, instead of having
an asshole for our vice president,
it would be a huge, stretched out vagina.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you liberals, the do-gooders-feel-gooders that you aspire to be... spew such hatred toward others?

I like your music - but dude - another election means another election. Things never seem to get any better, no matter who wins.

What we need is another crisis to pull us all together... for now, I'll settle for a Nice Peter show. A great way for the red states and blue states to pull together to support a blue-balled struggling musician.

P.S. Ms. Palin is certainly a MILF and I know you would do her in a heartbeat...

9:12 AM  
Blogger Athesia said...

What about this comparison..


1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh Pete. It sounds as if you're jealous of her accomplishments and her lifestyle. Hate, Bitch, Cum on her face. Great use of language. What have you accomplished? You're a talented guy stuck in some anachronistic room filled with disdain for all those who actually work hard for what they have. It may not be what you want, but it doesn't give you any right to criticize Sarah Palin for succeeding in what she wants for herself and her family.

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm. Sometimes something so utterly incomprehendable occurs. Like, for instance, Sarah Palin's nomination. It's fine that she exists, let's face it, it was the will of the collective Sarah Palins that gave us the preceding 8 years, there's obviuosly many of them out there. You know that last scene in The Matrix trilogy, where there are like several million evil Mr. Smiths that multiply from a single one? I think that this is the reverse of that. All of the Sarah Palins compounded into one superbeing that has been nominated to run our country. It's when I come to a realization such as this that I feel compelled to check in with you and hear your thoughts on the matter. I am very glad to hear your perspective. It is very comforting. Maybe you are the Oracle or something.

10:31 PM  

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