Thursday, May 25, 2006

A letter to Matt in England.

Dear Matt,
you wrote this on the news page:

" Hey, My name is Matt And Im the assistant manager of a bar in ENGLAND
called the OLD WELLHOUSE. You performed here when you were touring and
i was wondering if you guys were planning any trips over the pond any
time soon? If so would you perform in our place again? Email me.
Thanks. *Matt "

I would love to come back,
we can't afford to do it until November,
but you didn't give me your email address.

You can send an email to me at

or we can set up a gig in this, a
public forum, which might be an interesting
experience for our fellow readers.

I vote for the latter.

What have you got free in November?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006



I forgot to tell you about
opening for Blues Traveller.

It was very cool.

Mind you,
we were the opening, opening act,
so the place wasn't full yet.

But we weren't the opening opening opening act,
that was a guy named Franc, he was cool,
and he was sponsored by Jagermeister.

We opened opened,
and we had fun, fun.

We met some new friends friends,
and during Blues Traveller's set,
John Popper gave us a shout-out shout-out shout-out.

That's right,
three separate shout-outs.

One time he said,
"Nice Peter wasn't just nice, he was fucking awesome!"

Boy, did I fall in love with a fat guy that night.

He's not even a fat guy any more,
he's lost a lot of weight, he looks very sexy and trim.

Mr. Popper really impressed me
with how cool he was to the crowd,

I thought I was going to feel some bitterness,
"Man, I used to have two videos on MTv,
and now I'm playing on a backporch stage
in columbus, OH for 2,000 people and its raining."

But no,
he was truly appreciative of the crowd,
of the chance to play, of life in general.

He was very gracious with the audience,
when a woman threw a bra at his head,
he stretched it over his trademark Fedora
and wore it for the rest of the show.


I wish someone would throw
a bra at my Fedora.

I can't really wear a Fedora, though,
it makes me look like a little kid
in a halloween costume.

We're going back to Columbus tonight,
long drive, but its a cool town.

Friday I'm going to play on Q101 in Chicago.
around 4 pm, I think.

Saturday we have the big Chicago show.

Sunday I sleep.

Monday, also sleep,
probably smoke a little pot.

Tuesday, sleep, pot, coffee.

Wednesday we hit the road again.
Check out the tour page,
we've got lots of new shows.

much love,


Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Mystery of the Shirt Stealer

I got this posted on the news section today:

" The only reason you got your shirt back was because I let you take it.
That's difference between you and I. I take. You get taken from.
I am the apex predater and you are the prey.
I could have kept it but I felt bad for you.
Next time you come my way I'll take more than a
shirt-I'll take your girl-and I won't be generous enough
LET you have that back. Are we clear? "

No way this is really the guy.
He couldn't possibly have the IQ
to use a word like "Apex", although
he did misspell "predater", so anything's

If this is really from you,
shirt stealing dude in Springfield,
you've got balls.

small, shrively ones,
but balls none the less.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

What did you do last night?

I can tell you what I did.

I played Urban Capture the Flag,
mother fucker.

I saw signs and posters
and little handbills all over
Wicker Park for the past couple weeks.

"Reclaim the City"
"play Urban Capture the Flag"

with a map,
a city grid,
almost a square mile,
separated by a great dividing
line known as Milwaukee avenue.

And, an awesome little drawing
of a dude with a beard running with a flag.

It said to show up at the Damen
Blue Line train stop at 7 pm.

I did.

I had nothing else to do.

It's strange,
these days,
when I don't have a gig
on a weekend,
I never really have anything to do.

So I show up for summer camp
games in cold weather and light rain.

there, at the train stop,
I met 30 perfect strangers.

we divided into two perfect teams.

They were mostly strangers
to eachother, a few pockets
of friends here and there,
but mostly just the bored,
curious, and adventurous
type who would show up
for such an event.

Wide demographic,
punks and yuppies
and thirty-somethings
and a gay guy, and a tall
Jesus looking character,
and a girl who told me she finds
perfectly good bagels in the dumpster.

We got little bandanas to distinguish teams,
and we hid our flags and planned our strategy.

and we were off.

And I felt like I was in Die-Hard
and the Bourne-Identity for the next three hours.

It was awesome.

We snuck around the city,
in two and threes,
and solo advances.

Once we crossed into enemy
territory, we were vulnerable
to capture and imprisonment.

But we were not alone in the streets,
it was Wicker Park on a Saturday night,
we could try to blend in,
always looking out for a bastard
with a white bandana.

And if you saw one,
you ran.

I ran like I haven't run
since I was fourteen.

running for my life,
as if nothing else mattered
in the world accept to get
back over Milwaukee Avenue.

When was the last time you
did a full on sprint until you just
couldn't run anymore?

For me, its been a while.

I don't find myself sprinting
so often these days.

but last night,
I ran like the wind,
until the wind was completely
out of my body and spilled
all over the streets.

Today, I am sore,
but I am also grateful
for such an evening of unexpected fun.

I met people I would never ordinarily meet.

I learned that you can find perfectly good bagels
in the right dumpsters.

I smoked a bowl with the leaders of the event,
a pair of twin activists.

Man, are they interesting cats.

they do stuff,
anything, they just
seem to want to take action,
be heard, have fun,
get noticed, make a statement,
have other people wonder about them
instead of wondering about a TV
full of artificially sweetened famous people.

Last night,
they chose Capture the flag.
and it was quite a success.

3 hours long,
30+ strangers showing up
on a cold, wet night.

They have my email address,
and I'm going to show up
at whatever they do next.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have to write a theme song
for the Rat Patrol.

those are the guys who
ride around Chicago on
those big, tall, crazy bikes.

I met a few last night,
and they need a theme song.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Look, mom, no spitting.

and I
went to stand
outside of the Chicago
taping of Conan O'Brien.

We were equipped
with the Bush cutout,
a sombrero, two cowboy
hats, a tambourine, and a

We thought we would attract a little attention,
do a little song and dance, and try to hand out
some promotional CDs for the Cubby Bear show.

We flew through 300 in less than fifteen minutes.

I wonder how many got listened to,
and of those, how many will come to the show.

I'm hoping for 10, that seems like reasonable odds.

Thanks, Pops, and George.
The help was awesome.

While I'm thanking cool people,
here's to ISU, specifically,
the folks at Delta Sigma Phi's
Rude Beer party.

We played at the Delta Sigma Phi
fraternity house on Thursday night.

It was a fucking blast.

Kristen tried out her new drum set,
and then so did I,
for me and Jigga Puff's (of White Trashistan fame)
side project band, the Greg Willis Project.

The Nice Peter set was long,
interrupted only for a quick
smoke session in the dudes' from
Iowa's car.

ISU makes us feel like rockstars,
instead of two tired kids playing
in a wet basement.

Thanks, y'all,
we'll see you next semester.

New tours are lining up for the summer,
we're taking a little break to recoup,
but we'll be hitting old and new venues
with pizazz.

look out for:
NY City, Ithaca NY, Buffalo, Rochester,
St Cloud, MN, Ames, Iowa City, lot's
of street fesitvals and a Tuesday night
residency in Chicago, and more....

fuck the Pub II.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

An observation

Something I've noticed:

Kristen and I
have been hitting
the streets, passing
out free CDs and tickets
to our upcoming show in
Chicago at the Cubby Bear.

We have brought along
our good friend,
and cardboard cutout,
George W Bush.

Every time,
without fail,
feels compelled,
to spit on his face.

They always apologize

They didn't mean to ruin
our cardboard cutout,
but they had to do it.

Three times this has happened.

And two of them,
the person was by themselves,
they were not trying to impress
their friends or get a laugh.

They just had to let it out,
express their feelings.

My own lefty-commie-gay-loving-immigrant-hiring-pot-smoking opinions
I think this is pretty fucked up trend.

The show on May 27 is going to be a lot of fun,
and we're going to party, somewhere, afterwards.
If you don't live in Chicago, and have considered
coming down for a show, this might be a good one to catch.

There will be lots of like-minded people there,
and I think I'm going to throw the Bush cutout
into the audience, see what people do.

I did it at the Double Door,
and people tore him to shreds.

Maybe someone will eat it.

But that would be a little gross,
because three people have hocked
on his face.


On May 20, there is a band called
Them Vs Them playing at Subterranean.

They are very cool,
I'll be there, you should come.

if anyone wants to help us pass out
free CDs in the next week or so,
it's pretty fun, and we 750 more to go.

email me:



Tuesday, May 02, 2006

another letter

Dear Guy who stole out T-shirt in Springfield,

You are a dumb ass.

For one,
you stole a t-shirt
from an impoverished band,
even thought we kept playing
that stupid slow song so you could keep
dancing with that slutty girl.

That was for you,
not for us.

I saw you dancing,
I saw you trying, terribly,
to put your moves on,
and I figured I'd do what
I can to help by letting
the song played on.

And how did you thank me?

You stole one of our t-shirts,
that you could have easily purchased,
you dumb son of a bitch.

But that's not the best part,
no, my joy came in redemption.

Here is some free advice,
if you are going to stay in Springfield
and steal from other bands' merch tables,
don't stand outside of the venue,
right after the show,
with the shirt dangling out of your back pocket.

That almost insulted me more.

We know who we sell t-shirts to,
we remember because it's usually
only a few, awesome, generous,
helpful people.

I saw you with the shirt dangling,
tell-tale green in your pocket.

I felt a rush of adrenaline as I asked
Kristen, "did You sell the dude a t-shirt?"


"me neither"


The confrontation
was quick and relatively painless.

I asked you,
you denied,
I asked again,
you confessed.

I yanked the t-shirt
out of your douchbag pocket,
and I didn't appreciate your last
ditch effort at saving face,
by saying "whoa, man... don't take my pants off"

Your idiot friends didn't think it was funny,
and neither did I.

It was pathetic,
you are a dumbass,
and I've got my fucking
t-shirt back, bitch.
