Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I did it.

I did.

I really did it.

I finished the album.

I can't believe I got it done.

One month,
and just me,
in my little studio
here in my apartment.

but I got it done.

11 new songs,
well.... more like 8 new songs
and some ones that should
have been recorded a long time ago.

but it's fucking done,
and I can hardly believe it.

I'm even two days ahead of schedule.


I'm sorry,
but I just surprised myself.

I'm really happy with it,
it's a little different,
and it won't sound super duper pro,
because I did it at home,
but it's getting back to my roots,
of recording in my bedroom,
where I can experiment with harmonies
and layers and vocals and guitars
and shit without wasting tons
of time and money.

I told you the track list in my last post,
but here's the catch...

two catches:

I still need to mix the bitch,
which means I need monitors,
pro-studio monitors,
to listen to it and mix it.

I've got that one covered.

I'll buy them at Guitar Center,
with my Guitar Center credit card.

"but Pete... you hate Guitar Center..!"

God damn right I do,
that's why I'm going to
use them for 29 days
and return them within 30.

And I'll hide a little note in the box,
that says....
"dear Guitar Center,
you just sucked my dick
for 29 days."


But here's where I need
your help....

I can't afford to get them printed, either...

It costs a pretty penny,
but we can do it, together...

If you
who reads this
and likes it and likes
me, or more importantly,
the music I make in my bedroom...

if you can help
me by buying an advance copy of the album,
called Songs About People,
I'll be able to get them printed.

It takes some trust,
I haven't been so good
at shipping things out before...
but this time,
it's important,
I'm reaching out to you,
and so I will be sure
to get you the goods.

You can buy a download for $10,
or a hardcopy for $15 plus $2 for shipping

I know.. it's steep,
but I'm broke,
and I love you,
and it's not really that steep, is it?

If you can pitch in,
I can keep on making new music,
and writing new songs,
and making new albums.

I'll give you a couple days
to think it over...
is it worth 10 or 17 dollars to you?

I forgot to mention,
the 17 package will include
a signed copy, and a sticker
that will only come with the CD.

I'll have the Click to Buy thing
up in my next post...

and I'm ready to rejoin society,
I haven't left this room in thirty days,
and I'm antsy as hell.

much love,
thanks for bearing with me,


I know, I know...



what the hell happened to you?"

I know, I know...
I've been silent,
or so you think.

I actually got a
call from my dad the other day,
asking when I'm going to update my website.

That's when I knew it had gotten bad.

In case you think
I've just been sitting
on my ass, smoking pot,
and getting laid all the time.

You're missing one important part.

I recorded a new album.

that's right, dad,
I finished a new full length,
mostly all new material,
which means I had to write it too.

I put the finishing touches
on the main tracks tonight.

I've got some clean up and
last minute fixes to do tomorrow
and Thursday, and then its ready to be mixed.

I'll have it available on Itunes,
and on CD when I hit the road in April.

Speaking of April,
I'm finally making my way
out to the West Coast.

I'm serious.

I've got a gig booked in LA
at a college, and I'm gonna
do one or two other shows
while I'm out there.

I'll probably stay in LA, though,
so if you're out that way,
I hope you'll meet me there.

I've spent every single
day this month hacking
away in the studio.

My bedroom studio.

Other than that,
I've been smoking pot
and getting laid all the time.

So I don't have too many exciting
stories or interesting perspectives
or anything like that for you,
I'm sorry.

I can tell you this,
the track list for the new album:

Bald Guy, Jennifer, Porn Star, Radical Muslim Penpal,
Hard to Stay, Sugar Momma, Put Your Coat On,
Friends, I Fell Asleep on Her Boobs, Cover Bands,
and the Masterpiece, Part II

I'm very excited about it,
and I hope you are too.

Pauly used to tell me
that I have to keep the faucet
running in order to pour
out good new songs.

So, that's what I'm trying to do.

Oh.. and I'm moving to England on May 1,
did I tell you that already?

Before I go,
I'm trying to hit all
the spots that have been
so good to me over the last couple years.

And, don't worry,
I'll be back in six months,
with a fresh perspective,
and just in time to vote
for Barrack Obama.

Look for tour dates to be posted
soon for the April tour.

Until then,
I'll try my best to keep
you updated and entertained....

...... dad.
