Friday, January 20, 2006


I read in today's newspaper,
as I heard on yesterday's radio,
that a new audio tape of Osama Bin Laden
has been released by Al Jazeera to the public.

The tape has been authenticated
by the CIA, it is Osama's voice, and the
estimated time of recording is December
or perhaps even January.

I have not read the full transcript,
I should.

What I did read, and forgive me for speaking
without complete information, is that Osama
Bin Laden made references to a truce.

He made mention of a
"long term truce with fair conditions
that we adhere to. ... Both sides can enjoy
security and stability under this truce so
we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which
have been destroyed by this war."

The White House spokesman's response?

"We do not negotiate with terrorists,
we put them out of business."

I wonder why?

Why can't we stop and consider a truce?

Osama made clear threats
that there will be more
acts of terrorism against
the United States if we do not

Osama Bin Laden does not really
make idle threats.
He is crazy, completely,
but he usually means what he says.

When Al-Queda made a similar
offer to European nations and England,
a truce if they pull out their troops,
England refused, and 50+ people died
in horrific explosions.

Let us remember that the US
started out as terrorists.
Small, unregulated militias
fighting against a powerful empire
that was taxing us and using our resources
for their own profit.

That is what we are doing to the Middle East.
We are using them, profiting from them,
muscling them around until they snap
and go crazy.

I don't fuck with crazy people,
and when they say, "hey, I'll stop
blowing up your family if you leave me alone"
I leave them alone.

Please consider that Osama Bin Laden has nothing
to gain from a truce, he is not trying to increase
his profits, or make more money from oil,
or keep his corporations rich.

He has proposed peace,
and our leaders will not even
listen, not even stop for one
moment to say "you know... this war Does suck,
and maybe we could end it"

They don't want to end it,
they have a lot to gain by being at war.
And they have a lot to lose from a truce.

The United States is so afraid to lose
a war that it started, instigated by a man
from a different country that they trained,
that they will continue to let our soldiers die.

Iraqi people blow themselves up.
Doesn't that tell you that they don't give
a fuck and will not stop until it is over?

What makes you think that you can put
people like that, "out of business"?

You can't, you cannot beat them.
You cannot win a war against the truly
desperate because they have nothing to lose
and will never give up.

And yet, when the truly desperate make an offer
of peace, we don't listen, not for one second.

Peace is not an option for our government.

I don't care how many people Osama Bin Laden killed,
it doesn't matter. He has done truly evil things,
and innnocent people have died. George Bush Sr.,
George W. Bush, even Bill Clinton, have all done
truly evil things, and innocent people have died,
they just cover it up better.

The point is, Osama is a spokesperson for
a whole world of crazies. Crazies who are willing
to blow themselves up to get their message across.
Crazies who will never stop. And all they are asking,
really, at the heart if it, is that we leave them alone.

They want us to stop taxing their tea.

What do you think?
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could accept the truce. We could pull our military out of the Middle East next week. Then two weeks from now Osama will have the Super Bowl blown up and will laugh that we would trust him. Just a thought. I don't know the answer.

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the point that US terrorists have become the power.

I never supported the war, like many of my countrymen. But remembering our own people are dying, their people are dying and it's not going to stop without drastic action. The whole terrorist section is lunatic, and how can you hope to fight lunatics? If they have nothing to lose, they'll give everything to take out as many of 'our side' as they can. Maybe it's time to live let live. "We won't fuck you up, if you stop fucking us up".

I think Ghandi said it best "If everyone takes an eye for an eye, soon the whole world will be blind".


4:29 PM  

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