Monday, January 09, 2006


I just finished watching an episode of "Cops".
This one had a theme.

Prostitution: Crackdown.

Now you're just going to have to believe
me on this one, because it may seem a bit silly.

The Cops team had 5 or 6 members.
One was not a police officer, but a
civilian hired by the police to pick
up prostitutes. He drove around
in a car with a night vision camera inside.

The other main character was a bald man
with a mustache and a thick southern accent.
He was the leader of the Crackdown team.

The other members, and this is where it gets silly,
were in various black masks and hoods.
I'm serious.

These were all police officers, in black masks,
one of them looked exactly like the Gimp's mask
in Pulp Fiction.

Here's the schtick:
The civilian finds a prostitute in a
run-down part of town, not difficult.

He invites her in the car,
says hello, propositions her for sex,
offers an absurdly low amount of money,
($30, $15, etc.) and when the lady hesitates,
he says "that's all I got, can we do this?"

She hesitates a bit more, and then finally accepts.

At this point, the civilian does some kind of signal
to a car following behind with the hooded cops.

They pull the civilian's car over,
they take out the prostitute,
handcuff her with those plastic handcuffs
they use in riots, and rough her up just a tiny
bit to remind her who's the boss.

Then the main leader, Baldy, comes
over and asks her if she knows why she is
being arrested, chastises her for accepting
such a low amount of money for sex.
e.g. "thirty dollars for sex? that's all, that's all the money you're making?"

He gives her a brief lecture,
and tells her she's going to jail.

All this time, the cops in masks stand
around, obviously proud of their catch,
not taking off their creepy S&M masks.

After the lecture, Baldy turns to the Hoodies
and says "let's go catch another one!"

I watched four cycles of this.
The last one was a black transvestite.
Believe it or not, the white, southern,
masculine cops were a bit more
aggressive with the faggy negro.

Now, this might be just my opinion,
and I'm often wrong, but maybe these
resources and manpower could be better spent
getting to the root of the problem.

I don't know any prostitutes personally,
but I'm guessing they don't end up there
as a career choice. Nobody in my kindergarten
class said they wanted to be a hooker when they grew up.

Accept maybe when Pretty Woman came out.

"Hunting" prostitutes like a bunch of redneck idiots,
tackling the black transvestite to the ground,
(for no reason, I watched the tape, he didn't do shit to them)
all the while wearing black Klan hoods doesn't strike
me as effective justice.

I would have to bet that %75 percent
of those officers have at least one porn tape
in their home.

Porn actress having sex,
porn actress getting paid for sex, that's
cool... yeah... I know, there's a lot of horrible,
gagging, abusive porn out there, but just so
long as its video taped for MY off-duty enjoyment,
it's all good.

Here's some facts for you:
The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics.
It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.

Now here's some info about the prostitution laws:

United States:
Prostitution is illegal (a misdemeanor) except in certain counties of Nevada. Visiting a prostitute is illegal also. Some jurisdictions will take your car if you used it to attempt to hire a prostitute; others will publish your name in local newspapers. The police is allowed to and actually does undertake sting operations. Police stings include street walkers and much less frequently escort services and massage parlours.

Prostitution is legal but does not yet have the status of a regular profession (health care, unemployment benefits, collective bargaining etc). Prostitutes do have to pay taxes though. Communities can and do forbid prostitution in certain areas and/or at certain times of the day.

Prostitution itself is technically legal, but several surrounding activities are outlawed which make it hard to work legally. It is illegal to solicit or advertise or run a brothel (= place where more than one girl works). It is also illegal to kerb-crawl. There are rumors that prostitution is tolerated in Scotland; the bordellos are called 'Saunas' there.

Prostitution is technically illegal, as is visiting a prostitute. Prostitutes are rarely punished however, and johns are never punished. Enticing, pimping, promoting prostitution and operating a brothel carry penalties.

Looks like you're doing good work, you fucking idiots.


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