Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Dear People from China,

I've got this fancy new statistics organizer
on my fancy new website that draws me a little
map of the world that shows me where people
are visiting from.

It seems, that I am getting a relatively
large proportion of visitors from China.

Second only to Los Angeles, and I know
I check my own website several times a day.

who are you?

you intrigue me.

how did you find my website,
and what keeps you coming back to it?

How do I say Nice Peter in Chinese?

I have so many questions for you,
there is so much we can share.

I hope you enjoy my new "Japanese People are Weird"
video, because I have read all about your longstanding
cultural clashes with the Japanese.

It's seems a bit like England and the Welsh.
a centuries old animosity that has evolved
from war to gentle fun poking.

Do you surf in China?

I went surfing for the first time here in Los Angeles.

It was hard.

Really hard.

but I got up on my surf board.

I caught a real wave and I was hooked.

I got a little cocky,
and then I tried to catch an even
bigger wave, and I looked down and
saw that the tip of my surfboard was under water.

I'm no Keanu Reaves, but I know that's not good.

With that tip under the surface,
and that big wave coming behind me,
there was only one thing that could happen.

The back end of the surfboard got tipped all the way up,
and I ended up kicking myself in the back of my own head.

I didn't even know that was possible.

Some of the greatest gymnasts in the world come from China.

Do you know anyone who can kick themselves in the back of the head?

I don't really want to do it again.

On behalf of all of us here at,
which is pretty much just me,
I'd like to say,




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