Saturday, February 21, 2009

a happy day in a week of glum

I have to admit it to you.

LA is kicking my ass.

My job?

kicking my ass.

My music career?

More like stinging my ass like a wasp
on cocaine.

It's rough going out here,
it's a mean city full of lost
people with shattered dreams,
and tiny dicks in big expensive cars.

I swing back and forth between
being pretty miserable and feeling
rather hopeless, and feeling really
good like anything is possible.

I got some good news today,
and I'm coasting on that for a while.

Remember that contest with
the song about legalizing marijuana?

I won.

A thousand dollars!

holy shit.

I didn't win first place,
but then.. I didn't deserve to,
the guy who won made a much
better commercial than mine.

So I want to thank you for voting,
if you got a chance to.

I have a lot of emails to reply to,
from people who entered my little contest.

But each one makes me feel great,
so it's a happy task.

I haven't decided who to write
a song about yet, but I'll find
a way to choose and get that done,
and get it posted up here for you.

In the meantime,
I hope you're staying warm,
I had to use a thin blanket last night,
it dipped into the fifties.

much love,



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