New Mexico
I'm at the public library in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Wait.... what?
Oh, yeah...
I'm playing a gig at a ranch
in Gallup, NM and I've got
some time to kill so I figured
I'd stop by and check some email.
Wait.. what?
I have a gig, at a ranch,
in New Mexico. What's so
weird about that?
I don't know where I am,
who I'm playing for,
or what its going to be like.
I think it's outside,
and I think I have
a place to sleep.
But to be honest,
I really have no idea.
The gig was set up as
a private party for
a cool guy named Brandon,
you can call him Shaggy.
He used to live in Michigan
and come to shows in Grand Rapids.
I think I got that right.
Now he works in New Mexico,
on a ranch, and he decided to fly
me down for a gig.
Why not?
He bought me plane tickets,
it's a shitload of travel.
I left the house this morning
at 8 am, landed, now I have
to wait for the train to
take me to Gallup. Arriving at 7 pm.
On the way back,
I leave Gallup at 8:30 am,
train it to Albuquerque,
fly to Dallas, Texas,
wait for an hour,
fly to Chicago to arrive
at 8:30 pm.
Holy shit thats a lot of travel.
It's amazing, really.
Almost 24 hours of total transit
time to come to a ranch in the desert
for a gig. One gig.
Albuquerque is cool,
I'd like to get some Mexican food
while I'm here, I hear its fantastic.
The people here speak very slowly.
I'm hoping to find some peyote.
Chicago in Winter is snowy,
Excuse me, I must be going.
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