God damn press
don't let me sound bitter on you.
But press hates me.
They always have,
I'm not surprised.
they think I'm a joke,
perhaps a hack,
two things I try
really hard to avoid.
Telling jokes is one thing,
being one makes me a little self conscious.
I hand delivered a copy
of my new album to the music
editor at Time Out Chicago magazine.
Great publication.
He requested the CD
after my new publicist
started bugging him
for some coverage.
"allright... let's hear this Nice Peter
that you make such a fuss about"
So, he got the CD.
The first track is White Trash Woman.
He wrote something to the effect of:
"Nice Peter's country rock songs
are made whimsicle by his
goofball lyrics"
the end.
What a dick.
There is one, one...
even country-ish song
on the album.
It's the first track.
It's relatively obvious
to me that he put in the disk,
listened to the first song,
and ejected it.
He wrote me off,
wrote his two sentences,
and that was that.
There is an article of some sort
coming out in the Red Eye tomorrow,
about me.
I have no idea what its going to be like,
but I'm nervous.
I gave a phone interview
and I eventually started
bitching about how the Red Eye
fucks local music in the ass.
They have huge articles
every day about Beyonce's
back hair or the guy who
won Makin the Band 2,
but there are hundreds
of great fucking Chicago bands
playing everyday,
and maybe.... they'll mention one
every now and then.
sorry if I sound bitter,
It's just press and these
brain drugs I'm on.
I had an amazing time
at the show in Chicago on Saturday.
Thank you for coming out,
and thanks to Pauly and Donehoo
for joining me onstage.
brought back a lot of memories.
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