I was trying to get up early to call the poster
printing company because I sent them the wrong
but it was my dad calling,
to wish me a happy birthday,
but I thought it was the poster
company, and I was half asleep,
and I asked him about PDFs,
and it was weird.
it's my birthday today.
I'm four hundred years old.
I woke up, told my dad I'd have to call
him back, called the poster company
and flirted with the design girl,
I've been flirting with everyone lately.
I can't help it,
I'm a little lonely and horny,
but in a good way, you know?
Like... I'm hungry on a street
full of awesome restaurants.
I'm lonely and horny in a
world full of awesome women.
and cats.
I'm in love with my room mates cat.
I'll have to show you a picture,
I get so attached to my male friends'
cats. I think it freaks them out.
This cat loves me,
and I love him so much.
Yes, he's a boy,
I get a little gay with cats.
It's a pure, I love you because
you're home and you pet me,
kind of love.
I wake up and he's on my bed,
or sleeping in my guitar case,
which is adorable.
I woke up and went
to my favorite little breakfast place.
I told them it was my birthday,
and they gave me a bloody mary.
And coffee.
that was strange,
I've never had a drink
first thing in the morning.
a bong, yes,
but a drink...
not first thing.
I was still rubbing the sleep
from my eyes.
Then I was off to work.
: )
I just had to go in for
an hour to cover for some
managers who had to leave
to learn the new computer system.
that's right, I'm important...
They bought me lunch,
and I stole some wine,
and the whole kitchen made
me a chocolate cake with
a chili pepper in it.
I don't know if you've ever
had twelve mexican dudes
sing happy birthday to you,
but I was bawling my fucking eyes out.
Birthdays have been weird for me
these last few years.
It's always a time when I flip out.
throw my life upside down,
move out, break up, get together,
fuck someone I shouldn't,
call someone I haven't,
avoid someone I should see.
I don't know what it is.
I think the idea was put into my head,
and now its kinda stuck.
but it started years ago,
before Chicago.
I first moved here right after my birthday.
I broke a girl's heart,
a girl I loved,
and I packed up
with two friends and flipped out.
this was after I flipped out
to go back to the girl in New York,
on my previous birthday.
Long stories.
This year I've already flipped out,
so I'm not sure what to do.
I feel kinda angsty,
like I need to find something
to flip out about.
but maybe that's because
I've been drinking coffee
and booze all day.
Tonight I'm going to go
hang out with Pauly and Donehoo,
and play some music,
and probably smoke some weed,
and drink some cheap beer,
and share some memories,
and maybe I'll flip out on one of them.
But I think I'll be cool.
happy birthday, pete...
thanks, pete.
Hahaha i thought i'ld be nice and leave you comment..
cause no one else did =]
and peter can always be the nice one!
happy birthday man!!!!
your songs are SO FUCKING AWSOME!
i'm just bummed cause i cant find anywhere to.. *cough* illegally download them cause i'm to pove to pay for a cd :P
any way keep up the good word.
and have a nice week!
lots of love,
from the land down under :P
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