Monday, June 05, 2006

Chuck Norris Controversy

I got this email the other day,
I thought it was interesting enough
to share with you:

Hey Nice Peter,
I have been recently turned on to your music. I dig it. I especially
love the fact that you hate GW and ain't afraid to say it......or
actually sing it. One thing I wanted to point out regarding Chuck
Norris (which makes me glad that Miyagi beat the shit outta Norris at
the end of the song) is that Norris is a hardcore, fundamentalist,
conservative, gay-bashing, right wing republican, piece of shit. I saw
him doing some info-mmercial with his fake blond, fake tits,
missionary-style-only, bitch of a wife on Pat Robertson's fucked up
cable channel recently as I was flipping thru the channels. I was so
angry I bet I coulda even kicked his ass at that point, and I'm a
scrawny kid from the midwest. Anyway, just had to vent. I know I'm
preaching to the choir, but it's cathartic as hell. (I put that big
"cathartic" thing in there just to prove I'm smarter than that asshole,
shirt stealing, SOB who used "apex" to seem like he actually had a
shred of intelligence)....


-Doug M.


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