You wouldn't believe this week of mine if I told you.
It's nothing and everything happening at the same time.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you everytime
about how I'm sorry I haven't kept in better touch
and been better about my blog. But you gotta bear
with me! I'm trying really hard out here and if I wrote
about it everyday it would be sad and boring as shit.
I moved out to Los Angeles so I could meet the right
people to help me jump up one notch in the world
of comedy or music or whatever the fuck it is that I do
so I can get back out there and do it properly!
And it's working, I'm meeting them,
and I'm meeting with them, and we're talking
and starting to brainstorm, and then we'll plan,
and then I'll be out on the road playing,
and sitting in the studio recording,
instead of putting plates on tables
on Monday mornings at a miserable restaurant in LA.
This week has been pretty big and exciting
and scary for me. I had a meeting today, it went
exactly as well as I had hoped. I've got one on Thursday
that could be a pretty big deal too.
In the meantime, it's my birthday on Saturday.
I'm turning 30. Fucking 30! Years Old!
But I got a cool haircut, and I quit smoking,
and I haven't been drinking too much and
I'm not as bald as I thought I was and I'm still
skinny and my voice feels good and I've got
the starts of some new songs and some ideas
and I might get some cool people on board
the Nice Peter train to help keep it rolling before
I lose my fucking mind.
To celebrate, I'm throwing a party and playing for
3 hours straight. It's in West LA, and it's gonna be fun.
Bourbon St Grill, Sat, Aug 15, 11 pm - 2 am./
10928 W Pico Blvd in West LA.
no cover.
I almost forgot to tell you,
I played with Pauly and Donehoo,
my old band from the simple days.
We met up in Chicago and played the gig
together and I don't remember when I've had
so much fun and joy pouring out of me.
We're in serious talks about doing a tour together,
just the three of us, playing some big ass rock shows.
That would make me so happy.
It could only make me happier if the tour
was supported by some press and some
publicity and some radio stuff and whatever
else comes with being a legitimate singer/comic/ballshaver
or whatever I'm supposed to call it.
My name is Nice Peter,
I'm not on speaking terms with my brother, and that sucks,
I'm turning 30, and that's scary,
I might be around the corner from getting a pretty huge
break in my career, and that is daunting.
I won't be able to be kinda funny and
under the radar and feel safe that way because
I didn't reach for anything bigger.
I also don't want to get out of the shoes I'm in,
they're fucking comfortable.
I just want a little more organization,
and little more publicity for tours,
a little exposure.
maybe a lot? fuck it,
however much comes,
as long as I don't lose track
of who I really am and what I really do.
and I think I'm going to get it soon.
I've been out here for 8 months,
and people are starting to notice me
and that's awesome and I hope I can
keep doing exactly what I've been doing
except better.
Thanks for reading this,
and being here,
and being there,
I would never have had the balls
to keep playing and writing and touring
and thinking I have any reason for believing
in myself if it wasn't for you.
Good luck getting that big break Pete! You deserve it!
Congrats on quitting smoking! If you were still in IL we would have made it out for the party. We will just have to have another next time you are in MN. Enjoy the UK!
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