Holy shit is he cute.
I'm in no position to own a cat,
I travel a lot,
I don't know where I'm going to live
in a few months.
I had no intentions of getting a cat,
he kinda chose me.
Here's the story:
me and the lady
stopped into a pet store
after lunch in Indianapolis
just to kill a little time before
I started driving again.
It was this big, slightly alternative
pet store called Uncle Bill's.
I think.
I don't mean alternative,
like the cats were wearing black
eye makeup,
I mean, they had ferrets and alligators
and you could pet them.
Very free range pet store.
I played with a rabbit,
and got scratched by a ferret,
and then I walked by the kitten section.
I love kittens,
who doesn't love kittens?
I looked at them,
and said, "awwwww..."
and that was it.
But this one little guy cried out to me.
he just sat there,
so I went to pet him,
and he curled on his back
and started purring immediately.
He didn't want to play,
or eat,
he just wanted to be loved.
None of the other kittens
really gave two shits,
they were happy playing and eating.
But this guy wanted out.
So, we took him to this little booth
they have where you can check out the animals
for a few minutes.
he fell asleep in my arms.
What was I supposed to do?
He loved me,
and I was a sucker,
so I brought him home.
I couldn't see him
stuck in that cage,
or with some bratty kid
always pulling his tail.
Now he lives with me in my tiny apartment,
and I've got someone to happily look after him
when I go on the road.
All he does,
I'm not kidding,
is sleep,
play a little with your feet,
and cuddle.
And I do mean cuddle,
like nuzzling up to your head
and sighing.
his name is Oliver.
not because of the orphan thing,
but because we drove past
an Olive Garden while we
were trying to come up with a name.
Oh yeah,
and he likes going in the car.
And he likes cheese.
and he does this little thing where
he perches above my bed and watches when...
well... you know.
and its pretty creepy.
but he still looks cute.
and he doesn't get baths,
he comes into the shower.
no kidding.
I'll try to get some pictures,
and I think I'm going to write a whole album about him.
So, I have a new responsibility,
but... at least its not a baby.
Oh I am so happy for you! I love cats as you know by meeting my two. I cannot wait to see pics of himl
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