Friday, September 01, 2006

Thai Kitchen

It's been a whirlwind.

I went on tour with Mission Improvable,
highlights include:
the poker game I won, (after losing two)
the awesome bar in Debuke, Iowa,
called the Hidden Lift, or something like that.

Holy shit, this place was cool.
They had free pool, a free shuffle board table,
they sold cigars, my favorite beer, Boddingtons,
and they had a blues band featuring the lead singer,
Watermelon Slim.

Watermelon Slim told us to watch out for the cops,
cause they busted him for growing weed plants
with his watermelon crop.

He was approximately 108 years old,
a skinny white guy with a few teeth left.

He was fantastic,
I want to play that bar someday,
hopefully while I still have teeth.

Right now we are in Ames, Iowa,
we've played three shows in this town
in the last two days, and we're at a Copy Center
waiting to play another.

It has been great.
Thumbs is a bar that rules.

I got to meet the very friendly girl
who gave me the Flamingo head band
at last year's concert.

She told me she loved me.
It was very sweet.

--I told you I'd write about you.

Love is a wonderful thing,
I must say, I love Ames, IA.

I seem to have an easy time writing songs here.
I wrote Cover Bands, and Chuck Norris,
and now I'm working on a new one about A.C. Slater.

I don't know if I told you,
but we're planning to take a few months off,
starting in November.

We're not giving up,
and we're not really that tired,
but I need a break, to finish the album,
and get a bit more organized with our tours.

I'm going to go back to work,
at a real job, or at least waiting tables.

We also need to save up for a new car.
I'm leaning toward the Toyota Rav 4.

This means no tours from November until
possibly February. It's a long time,
but we'll be back with gusto.

So, catch us while you can,
we've got quite a few shows booked in October,
say hello, share some love, and I'll keep
writing and recording so I can share some new shit.

I had to cancel our plans to go back to the UK in November,
we just can't afford it. Sorry, guys.
We'll be back as soon as we can.

Please allow me to share a dilemna.

I hate Clear Channel,
I hate them because they are ruining
everything that is good in music.

They are greedy little fucks.

I got a business card from a very nice girl here in Ames.

She is a DJ on a local music show on a big rock
station here in Ames.

She said, "send me a CD, and I'll play your songs on the radio, I like them."

Awesome, right?


There, in bold letters on the bottom of her business card:
"A Clear Channel Station"

Now what do I do?

Do I give up lots of exposure
so I can hold my moral ground?

I think I've already made up my mind.


I do.

Clear Channel can go fuck themselves.



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