Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Tomato Fest and the Apple Cider Vinegar

St Louis
has to be
the best city
in the world.

in a way.

there's just something about it.

I got some Habanero spiked
Apple Cider Vinegar at the
Tomato Festival I played
at the Iron Barley
that was raising money
for Lift for Life that is
a free gym for inner
city kids to work out at.

There were lots of kids there,
it was five in the afternoon,
so I didn't use any swear words.

I've always wanted to do kids shows.

I'm serious.

I had a small black child
named Devon up onstage
playing percussion.

He was a natural.

I had woken up that morning
on a rug,
at Aaron's awesome house
in Springfield.

I had to haul ass
to St Louis, because
I thought I was on at three.

But I did have just enough
time to stop into Toys R Us
and buy some instruments.

It's been a long time since
I went into Toys R Us for
a cool specific purpose
and a designated wad of cash.

Do you remember anything like that?

Going into Toys R Us or
Kay Bee Toys or Kiddie City?

I did it.. probably twice,
with a certain amount
of money I had saved
or gotten for eating
some Catholic Bread.

First Communion,
it was solid,
my first paid gig.


I gave Devon a bongo I had bought,
and then these two girls had blocks and sticks,
and this cool three year old dude was
on the occasional tambourine.

We sang the hits.
some Queen, a little Snufulupugus,
no swearing,
although I did play
White Trash Woman
with a small black child
on percussion,
and that's kind of awesome like swearing,
but maybe even better.

He took a solo,
it was awesome.

I'm thinking I might swear a little
less on a few songs on my next album.

Don't worry,
I won't wimp out on you,
but I'm going to try to
mess with the language a little.

Clean it up,
make it a little more subtle,
tasteful, family friendly.

And that way,
I can meet more family friendly ladies,
and I can put my shitcock
in their asspussies.


PS: my cat just wrote that "0-" after my little "-p"
he jumped on my keyboard. he's not even
supposed to be up here... bad kitty.


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